How to Create a Winning Content Marketing Strategy for Better SEO

Content has firmly solidified its place as a prime SEO ranking factor. Instead of treating content as an afterthought, New Zealand businesses need to develop cohesive content strategies to earn more organic visibility. 

Follow this step-by-step framework to create an winning content marketing plan tailored for SEO:

1. Set Goals 

Be exceptionally clear on what you want to accomplish through content. Common SEO goals include increasing site traffic, generating leads, boosting brand authority or outranking competitors for certain terms. Set measurable KPIs so you can track progress.

2. Analyse Competitor Content

Use tools like BuzzSumo to analyse what your top competitors are publishing content on. Identify popular topics along with noticeable content format gaps you can own to stand out.

3. Prioritise Keyword Opportunities

Leverage keyword research to build a list of relevant high-potential terms and phrases to target. Consider search volume, difficulty to rank and conversion potential when selecting main focus keywords.  

4. Map Out Content Themes 

Group related keywords and topics into distinct buckets or themes to maintain focus. For example, a restaurant can have themes around cuisine types, recipes, events, etc.

5. Brainstorm Creative Formats

For each theme, outline various content formats you can produce beyond just blogs such as videos, case studies, interviews, comparison posts etc. Variety in content types keeps visitors engaged.

6. Build an Editorial Calendar

Plot out a 3-6 month advanced editorial calendar for publishing dates for different pieces of content per your themes and formats. Maintain a consistent drumbeat of fresh, SEO-optimised content. 

7. Promote Content  

Create mechanisms to actively promote published content across social media, email newsletters, influencers and other channels to maximise reach. 

By taking a strategic approach to content tied closely with SEO and promotion plans, New Zealand companies can establish recognized industry thought leadership and visible digital shelf space across search.

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