A Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research for New Zealand Businesses

Conducting thorough keyword research is one of the most important foundation steps when developing or optimising your website for search engines. Choosing the right keywords helps search engines effectively display your content to users when they search certain terms related to your offerings.

For New Zealand business owners unfamiliar with keyword research, here is a beginner’s guide:

Know Your Audience 

Start by gaining crystal clarity on who your ideal target audience is. This includes their demographic details, challenges they face, questions they ask, and exact terminology they use when searching solutions online. Understanding these psychographics and search behaviours is vital for identifying profitable keywords.

Use Keyword Planners   

Leverage free keyword planning tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, Soovle, or SEMrush’s keyword generator to discover massive keyword lists tailored to your business. Look at search volume data to identify opportunities around high-traffic keywords your audience uses.

Refine with Long Tail Keywords

Often, the broadest high volume keywords are highly competitive and hard to rank for. Expand your keyword list using long tail keywords with more words that are more niche, such as “second hand industrial equipment Auckland”. These are easier to target and convert better.

Localise Keywords   

As a Kiwi business, the majority of your customers will be searching locally e.g. “building contractors Wellington” or “cafes open now Christchurch”. Make sure to do location-based research.  

Analyse the Competition

Check out what keyword terms your competing sites are currently ranking well for. This reveals gaps where you can edge out the competition by optimising pages around untapped long tail and local keywords. 

Track Keyword Performance 

Once you’ve optimised target pages for your primary keyword list, use Google Analytics to identify which terms bring the most organic traffic and conversions. Double down on one’s performing well and refine poorer ones.

By learning how customers search for your products and services online, New Zealand businesses can significantly enhance organic visibility and connect with more local searchers. Follow these keyword research fundamentals, and your website will attract higher qualified visitors.

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